image source:IG@likejohnwu、IG@liketaitai
理科太太與前夫John離婚後,為了兒子的議題隔空喊話數次,繼理科太太5點聲明自己會捍衛到底後,John 11日又在Instagram發文嚴正表示「不要告訴別人我的健康狀況!」(延伸閱讀:理科太太5點回應前夫指控!承認過去太傻:必要時會捍衛到底)
image source:《DailyView網路溫度計》YouTuber網路口碑排行(2021/10/13~2022/01/10)
理科太太與John去年12月協議離婚,John 9日發文控訴理科太太對他申請禁令,讓他一週只能見兒子1到2次,下方有位自稱兩人的共同朋友突然爆料,提到John連外痔手術都要理科太太付錢,令John憤怒質疑「為何大家都知道我的病史?」
不過John 11日突發文,提到「幾個月前我就曾請伊芙琳(理科太太)不要再告訴別人了,不要告訴別人我的健康狀況!這是我的隱私!請不要侵犯別人的健康隱私!」
image source:IG@likejohnwu
John Instagram全文:
I wish I could respond to all the individual comments, but they keep growing. I don't understand the media culture of Taiwan and I didn't think my post would turn into this. But thanks to all the people who said nice things about me. It means the world to me there are people who stood up for me after everything that's happened. I also learned from life, if you find yourself citing facts and logic and they're still not listening, they're probably never going to.
I have some things that I think should be communicated to the public. A teachable moment if you will. If you take away one thing from everything I ever wrote, let it be these things:
I don't know why you know so much about my health. I kindly asked Evelyn months ago to stop telling people. And I can't believe I have to say something so obvious out loud. But STOP TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT MY HEALTH! IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE PRIVATE! If readers take nothing else away from this, don't violate people’s health privacy. Ever.
This post is long but this is important: LAWYERS ARE NOT PSYCHOLOGISTS. Depression should not keep someone away from their kids. It doesn't impair your ability to care for them. No one should be attacked for having depression. No one blames someone with a broken leg, they put on a cast so it can heal. We give antibiotics to treat infections, not shame them. Stop using my private mental health issues as a reason I can't see my son.
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